

Typogram pour Google Chrome

  • Gratuit

  • En Français
  • V 1.0.03
  • 4.6

  • État de sécurité

Avis Softonic

Typogram: Text Generation and Translation Extension for Chrome

Typogram is a versatile online extension for Chrome that offers a range of useful features. With Typogram, you can generate text, translate languages, and even write code on any website. This extension is perfect for anyone who frequently needs to type on different platforms, such as website content editors, comment boxes, social media posts, and more.

One of the standout features of Typogram is its ability to type for you anywhere on any website. Whether you're composing a Facebook post, a Reddit reply, or a Google Doc, you can simply give Typogram a command, and it will automatically type the content for you in real-time. For example, if you want to write a post about the benefits of keto diets but don't have any ideas, you can just type "help: benefits of keto diets" in the Facebook post editor, and Typogram will generate the post right in front of you. No need to log in to AI tools or copy and paste from other sources.

Typogram is a free extension that offers a seamless typing experience across various platforms. Its intuitive interface and powerful features make it a valuable tool for anyone who frequently needs to generate text or translate languages while browsing the web.

Programme disponible dans d'autres langues

Typogram pour Google Chrome

  • Gratuit

  • En Français
  • V 1.0.03
  • 4.6

  • État de sécurité

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